Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lesson 3..... Kids and Homework

Kids not only do not like to do homework, they will do everything in their power to get out of it!

“I don’t feel good. I will do it in the morning.” The 11 year old told John.
“OK honey, go lay down and watch T.V.”
The next morning, John went to get her out of bed, but of course she didn’t want to get out of bed.
“Breakfast!” She finally came downstairs still in her PJs. She got done eating, slowly crept upstairs to get dressed.
“You’re gonna miss the bus! Lets go!”
By the time she was finished, she had 5 minutes before the bus came. As she was getting her sneakers on, John remembered she had homework to do.
“Did you do your homework this morning?”

Lesson 3 …… Unless they have a fever, bleeding out their eyes, or have a broken limb, make them do their homework right after they get home. If not, you will eventually get a letter asking you to come into the school to talk about your kid’s homework. And believe me, they are NO fun!

Nest Lesson ….. Don’t try to reason with a child about Monsters in the closet.

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